My Health Diary
Below is a standard format diary page to cover a week of self-monitoring. Download and print off as many copies as you want. By printing back-to-back or with other clever approaches you can assemble a book or loose-leaf version.
Each day has two parts. On the left you can put anything different about that day: events, test results, shocks, celebrations, new foods, eliminations, or whatever is worth recording. On the right you choose the symptoms you want to score, maybe use a shorthand code (SL=sleep; ST=stress etc) and score them out of 10 with 10 being the worst. Keep these symptoms consistent over the week so you can compare scores. You can also add any new symptom changes below.
Completing a diary like this over several weeks is one of the most reliable ways to learn how your condition varies and what infuences it. Our memories are very poor guides, especially when good or bad influences can take several days to take effect.
Journal projects
Learn to be well: tools that you can use to manage your health needs on your own terms.
- Self care programmes
- Diaries
The following journal-based self care projects have been developed at the Sustainable Health Centre, in partnership with the College of Medicine and Exeter community charity St Loyes Foundation (now Step One).
Included here are downloadable journals to help you build your own recovery plan, and diaries you can use to monitor your health.
All these resources are free to use without supervision. However it often is more productive to use them with a practitioner or coach with whom you can check in for support.
The links include downloadable pdf diary pages. Click on the download button at the bottom of each page and then you can print off pages as you need them.

Each journal includes five colour-coded sections, as shown in this rainbow graphic.
These allow you step-by-step, to build your personal recovery plan, for long term benefits on your own terms.
Choose from the four titles below (Note: these diaries are still being updated – please come back later).