2. The immune vanguard

Our first responders form the ‘innate’ immune system. These white blood cells work quickly and may not need to involve complex immune responses. They are also most easily helped by plant remedies. The innate immune system is made up of a range of white blood cells...

3. Digestion: immunity at its most powerful

By far our greatest exposure to foreign material is from our food and drink. Our successful immune defences depend entirely on this material being effectively broken down by a healthy digestion. We have all heard that if one needs an organ transplant then one also...

4. Inflammation and fever – shock and awe!

These two potentially most dangerous health problems are in fact the most vigorous defence measures we have. Unless they become harmful our focus should be on managing rather than suppressing them . When we are threatened with toxic or infectious agents our bodies can...

5. Our immune bureaucracy?

Our innate immune cells and digestion are backed by a very sophisticated defence infrastructure called the adaptive immune system. This is more complex and also more likely to go wrong.    The adaptive (or specific) immune system is formed of type of white blood cells...