2. Autoimmunity and the gut

Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and coeliac disease are increasingly linked to dysbiosis and gut wall damage. The focus should be on reducing local provocations in the digestive system. Gut autoimmunity Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) are marked by repeated...

3. Autoimmunity and the joints

There are a range of rheumatoid inflammations of the joints. Key provocations to focus on in relieving these are infections, diet and especially gut wall and microbiome health. Autoimmunity and the joints Among the several different forms of joint inflammation or...

4. Autoimmunity and the skin

Psoriasis is the most common autoimmune disease of the skin. Causes are complex and poorly understood. Treatment means going back to basics, to hunt for clues in the health history.    Autoimmunity and the skin There are many types of skin problem, commonly lumped...